Amid the backdrop of box office celebrations for “Gadar 2,” Sunny Deol finds himself grappling with an unexpected financial hiccup. His Mumbai villa is up for auction by the back due to unpaid dues nearing Rs. 56 crores.  Crore

A notice issued by Bank Of Baroda has highlighted the impending e-auction, with Ajay Singh Deol (commonly known as Sunny Deol) identified as the principal debtor. The digital auction process unfolding on September 25, 2023 due to unpaid ₹56, is a jolting surprise to many in the industry.

A film industry veteran shared some insights, stating that the buyer, upon winning the auction, would be granted ‘symbolic possession’.

After the transaction, the bank would seek permission from the District Magistrate. Once endorsed, only then would the actual handover occur. This potentially protracted process allows Deol to maintain operations from the villa for the foreseeable future.

Sunny Villa, a symbolic landmark in the Bollywood landscape, serves multiple purposes. Housing Sunny Super Sound, Deol’s central workspace, also boasts a cutting-edge preview theatre and a duo of sophisticated post-production suites.

Since its inception in the late 80s, the villa has played host to premier screenings for many of Bollywood’s most prestigious releases. Media briefings and journalist interactions are also frequently conducted within its walls.

It’s worth recalling a revelation from the Bombay Times in 2016, which unveiled that Deol had mortgaged this iconic studio. The decision was driven by his ambition to generate funds for his directorial endeavor, “Ghayal Once Again.” Pursuing this route, Deol opted for a loan against the cherished property, hoping to square off his financial obligations.

Given Deol’s stature and the villa’s rich history, its auction could significantly shift Mumbai’s entertainment real estate. Many are left pondering how such a circumstance arose, especially in the wake of “Gadar 2’s” unparalleled success. Whether this is a short-lived financial hiccup or indicative of a deeper financial problem remains to be seen.

As the industry watches closely, fans hope for a resolution that keeps Deol’s legacy intact.

Sarah Michelle is a passionate writer and digital strategist interested in the evolving landscape of online content and user experience. Having closely followed the developments in digital marketing and search algorithms, Sarah brings a unique blend of insights into the marketing world and is committed to helping both creators and consumers navigate the digital realm with confidence.

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